Saturday, 30 July 2016

LETTER OF ATTORNEY/power of attorney

UK Government Public 
Guardianship Office - Clear 
explanation of the process by 
the office that manages 
Enduring Powers of Attorney 
and Lasting Powers of Attorney.

Note: Enduring Power of 
Attorney was replaced with 
Lasting Power of Attorney in 
October 2007

In Scots law, power of attorney 
can be granted by an individual 
with capacity, or by petition to 
a sheriff court. If a petition is 
used, then the verification of a 
solicitor, and that of two 
practicing doctors. These are 
usually the GP of the subject of 
the POA and another brought 
from outside to provide an 
objective view. The letters of 
assessment from the doctors 
must be within a set time limit 
of each other, so as to verify 
each other.

There are currently two types 
of power of attorney -
continuing and welfare.

[edit] Irish Law

Irish law allows two types of 
powers of attorney: [5]

an ordinary Power of Attorney 
which ceases to be effective if 
the Donor becomes mentally 
incapacitated and,

an Enduring Power of Attorney 
which takes effect only on the 
mental incapacity of the donor.

Either kind of power of 
attorney may be a general 
power, giving the attorney 
general power to perform any 
legal act that the donor might 
do, or a specific power, giving 
the attorney power to perfom 
a specific action (or a specific 
type of action) on the donor's 

behalf. [6]

[edit] Russian Law

In accordance with the laws of 
Russia can be as simple written 
form (a power of attorney for 
the right to control the car) 
and notarized. The power of 
attorney to act, requiring a 
notarial certificate (so-called 
«notarial form»), shall be 
certified by a notary. The 
power of attorney to act, not 
requiring a notarial certificate, 
have the force and without 
notarial certification.

Predstavitelstvo, Doverennost

[edit] Ukrainian Law

Predstavnytstvo see chapter 
17 of Civil Code of Ukraine

by law

by agreement

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