Saturday, 30 July 2016

Cerebral palsy Treament

Stem cell treatment of 
Cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy refers to a 
group of non-progressive, non-
contagious conditions that 
cause physical disability and 
applies to the cerebrum in the 
brain and the disorder of 

The brain damage normally 
doesn't worsen, but secondary 
diseases are very common. Most 
notable are various orthopedic 
difficulties and motor disorders, 
arthritis and osteoporosis.

The Xcell-Center Cerebral 
Palsy treatment

The stem cells are first 
collected from a patient's bone 
marrow, extracted from the 
hipbone (iliac crest) then 
implanted back into the body 
days later. Prior to re-
implantation of the cells, the 
bone marrow is processed in 
one of our labs, where the 
quantity and quality of the 
stem cells is also checked.

These re-injected stem cells 
have the potential to transform 
into multiple types of cells and 
are capable of regenerating 
damaged tissue. Our innovative 
stem cell treatments use the 
self-healing potential of each 
patient's own body to stimulate 
regeneration or repair.

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